At New Providence Church we strive to provide a space for students and families to connect with one another and their faith. We invite you to walk it out in obedience with scripture and the Holy Spirit by joining us in fellowship, worship, and teaching as we build community and strengthen the relationships in our homes and schools, on the field, and at work.
Grades 6-12

When We Meet
Wednesdays 6-7:30pm
​Paul's Missionary Journeys
Relative Truths for Today
Sundays @ 10am
Foundations of Our Faith
Applications of Our Faith
in the Youth Building

Upcoming Events

March 21, 22, 23
The Youth are preparing for DNow.
This is the largest county wide event of the year for 6th thru 12th grade students.
All youth are invited to attend.
It is the weekend of March 21st and 22nd.
Please see Jonathan or contact him at
(404) 558-1130 for more information.